Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
» On trains, keep bags as close to you as possible: luggage racks at the ends of
carriage are easy prey for thieves; in sleeping compartments, lock the door carefully
at night.
» Be especially vigilant for bag-snatchers at train stations, airports, fast-food out-
lets, outdoor cafés, beaches and on public transport.
» Break-ins to parked cars are a widespread problem. Never, ever leave anything
valuable - or not valuable - inside your car, even in the boot (trunk).
» Aggressive theft from cars stopped at red lights is occasionally a problem, espe-
cially in Marseille and Nice. As a precaution, lock your car doors and roll up the win-
Shopping Tips
Shopping in France isn't just a pastime - it's practically a way of life. Whether you're in
the market for some haute couture or savoury souvenirs, you'll find shopping in France a
pleasure - as long as you can get your head around the opening hours, that is...
Shops are generally open 10am to 6pm Monday to Saturday, although in bigger cities
some stay open till 7pm. Sunday shopping is something of a no-go in France, except in
Paris. Smaller shops often shut all day Monday, and generally close from noon to around
2pm on other days. Many larger stores hold nocturnes (late nights) on Thursdays, remain-
ing open until around 10pm.
Food markets (marchés alimentaires) - both open-air street ones (marchés découverts)
and covered markets (marchés couverts) - are an integral part of daily life. Practically
every town and village hosts a weekly market one or two mornings a week, usually from
around 7am to noon. Haggling isn't the norm in either shops or food markets, although it's
always worth a try. Remember to take along your own bag or basket.
Some specialist shops to look out for on French high streets include:
» Boulangerie Fresh bread, fruit tarts and mouth-watering pastries
» Pâtisserie Mainly cakes, tarts and pastries
» Fromagerie Cheese shop
» Traiteur Delicatessen selling charcuterie (sliced meats), pâtés and other great picnic
» Épicerie General greengrocer, selling a bit of everything
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