Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Driving 18
Minor under anti-pornography & prostitution laws under 18
Voting 18
Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) - known as distributeurs automatiques de bil-
lets (DAB) or points d'argent in French - are the cheapest and most convenient
way to get money. ATMs connected to international networks are situated in all cit-
ies and towns and usually offer an excellent exchange rate.
You always get a better exchange rate in-country, but it is a good idea to arrive in
France with enough euros to take a taxi to a hotel if you have to.
» Credit and debit cards, accepted almost everywhere in France, are convenient,
relatively secure and usually offer a better exchange rate than travellers cheques or
cash exchanges.
» Credit cards issued in France have embedded chips - you have to type in a PIN
to make a purchase.
» Visa, MasterCard and Amex can be used in shops and supermarkets and for
train travel, car hire and motorway tolls, though some places (eg 24-hour petrol sta-
tions, some autoroute toll machines) only take French-style credit cards with chips
and PINs.
» Don't assume that you can pay for a meal or a budget hotel with a credit card -
enquire first.
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