Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Palais des Ducs
Just off the Cour d'Honneur , the 46m-high, mid-15th-century Tour Philippe le
Bon (Tower of Philip the Good; 03 80 74 52 71; adult/child €2.30/free; accom-
panied climbs every 45min 9am-noon & 1.45-5.30pm, Wed pm-Sun, closed Thu-Fri late
Nov-Easter) affords fantastic views over the city.
( 03 80 74 52 09; audioguide €4, tours adult/child €6/3; 9.30am-6pm Wed-
Mon) Housed in the eastern wing of the Palais des Ducs, these sprawling galleries
make up one of the most outstanding museums in France.
The star is the wood-panelled Salle des Gardes (Guards' Room), once warmed
by a gargantuan Gothic fireplace.
The modern and contemporary art section, with works by Manet and Monet and
sculptures by Matisse and Rodin, harbours a particular delight: the Pompon Room
Art Museum
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