Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Buchroithner MF, Gruendemann T, Kirk RL, Habermann K (2005b) Three in one: multiscale hardcopy
depiction of the mars surface in true-3D. Photogram Eng Remote Sensing 71(10):1105-1108
Buchroithner MF, Habermann K, Gruendemann T (2005c) Modelling of three-dimensional
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Buchroithner MF, Habermann K (2010) The art of autostereoscopic relief representation in
cartography. In: Gartner G, Ortag F (eds) Cartography in Central and Eastern Europe.
Selected papers of the 1st ICA symposium on cartography for Central and Eastern Europe.
Springer lecture notes in geoinformation and cartography, pp 251-262
Buchroithner MF, Knust C (2012) The role of true-3D visualisation in cartography. In: The
cartographic J (in preparation)
Buchroithner MF, Schenkel R (1999) 3D Mapping with holography. In. GIM Int 13(8):32-35
Dalkiran HP, Öza ˘aç S (2012) Holographic relief map production by using topographic line maps.
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Gruendemann T (2004a) Grundlagenuntersuchungen zur kartographischen Echt-3D-Visualisie-
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Technology, Institute for Cartography
Gruendemann T (2004b) Herstellung einer Echt-3D-Hochgebirgskarte auf der Basis des
Lentikularverfahrens. Diploma Thesis (unpublished), Dresden University of Technology,
Institute for Cartography
Gruendemann T, Buchroithner MF, Habermann K (2006) Multitemporale und echt-dreidimen-
sionale Hartkopie-Visualisierungen von Geodaten. In: Wiener Schriften zur Geographie und
Kartographie, 17:270-276
Hutcheon S (2006) The riddle of China's Area 51. Daily digital newspaper ''The Age'', 14 Aug 2006. . Accessed 31 Jan 2012
Indian Express (2006) From sky, see how China builds model of Indian border 2400 km away.
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Knust C (2007) Konzeption eines digitalen historischen Globus für den Mathematisch-
Physikalischen Salon zur Visualisierung an einem 3D-Display. Pre-Thesis (unpublished),
Dresden University of Technology, Institute for Cartography
Knust C (2008) Erstellung eines digitalen Globus für ein autostereoskopisches Display basierend
auf dem historischen Original eines Erdglobus von Willem Janszoon Blaeu. Diploma Thesis
(unpublished), Dresden University of Technology, Institute for Cartography
Knust C, Buchroithner MF (2012) Principles and terminology of true-3D geovisualisation. In:
The Cartographic J (in preparation)
Knust C, Buchroithner MF (2010) True-3D in cartography—recent methods and trends. In:
Zyszkowska W, Spallek W (eds) Główne problemy współczesnej kartografii 2010: Numeryczne
modele terenu w kartografii. (The main problems of contemporary cartography 2010) Uniwersytet
Wrocławski, Instytut Geografii i Rozwoju Regionalnego, Zakład Kartografii, Wrocław
Knust C, Buchroithner MF, Dolz W (2012) The digital true-3D globe from willem Janszoon Blaeu.
In: Buchroithner MF (ed) True-3D in cartography—autostereoscopic and solid visualisation of
geodata. Springer lecture notes in geoinformation and cartography, pp 199-213
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