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Fig. 13 Some screenshots of WikiCrimes Grid eXplorer (with labeling emphasized for clarity):
a Choropleth (and dot colour) =
% theft crime type, dot size =
% property crime victim type
(maximum % labeled for scale), scatterplot (x) =
% easy access/escape crime reason, scatterplot
(y) =
% commercial location crime setting; b Choropleth (and dot colour) =
% robbery reason,
dot size =
% person crime victim type (maximum % labeled for scale), scatterplot (x) =
% lack
of policing crime reason, scatterplot (y) =
% vehicle crime setting. 2011
strong relationship (here and in Fig. 12 a), and there are also complementary strong
negative relationships observed between murder and both robbery and theft; also
violence and both person and property.
The results in this section were gleaned through use of the linked display (as
opposed to the spatial choropleth relationships described in the previous section).
Most of the patterns seen are more a case of ''detecting the expected'' (e.g.
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