Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Fiesta de San Isidro
Madrid's major fiesta celebrates the city's patron saint with bullfights, parades, con-
certs and more. Locals dress up in traditional costumes and some of the events,
such as the bullfighting season, last for a month.
Romería del Rocío
Focused on Pentecost weekend, the seventh after Easter, this festive pilgrimage is
made by up to one million people to the shrine of the Virgin in El Rocío. This is An-
dalucía's Catholic tradition at its most curious and compelling.
Feast of Corpus Cristi
On the Thursday in the ninth week after Easter, religious processions and celebra-
tions take place in Toledo and other cities.
Bonfires & Fireworks
Midsummer bonfires and fireworks feature on the eve of the Fiesta de San Juan (24
June; Dia de Sant Joan), notably along the Mediterranean coast, including in Bar-
Electronica Festival
Performers and spectators come from all over the world for Sónar, Barcelona's two-
day celebration of electronic music and said to be Europe's biggest festival of its
kind. Dates vary each year.
Wine Battle
On 29 June, Haro, one of the premier wine towns of La Rioja, enjoys the Batalla del
Vino, squirting wine all over the place in one of Spain's messiest playfights, pausing
only to drink the good stuff.
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