Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Regional governments set five holidays and local councils two more. Common
dates for widely observed holidays include:
Epifanía (Epiphany) or Día de los Reyes Magos (Three Kings' Day) 6 January
Día de San José (St Joseph's Day) 19 March
Jueves Santo (Good Thursday) March/April. Not observed in Catalonia and Valen-
Corpus Christi June. This is the Thursday after the eighth Sunday after Easter
Día de San Juan Bautista (Feast of St John the Baptist) 24 June
Día de Santiago Apóstol (Feast of St James the Apostle) 25 July
Día de Todos los Santos (All Saints Day) 1 November
Día de la Constitución (Constitution Day) 6 December
Safe Travel
Most visitors to Spain never feel remotely threatened, but a sufficient number have
unpleasant experiences to warrant an alert. The main thing to be wary of is petty
theft (which may of course not seem so petty if your passport, cash, travellers
cheques, credit card and camera go missing). What follows is intended as a strong
warning rather than alarmism. In other words, be careful but don't be paranoid.
Government Travel Advice
The following government websites offer travel advisories and information for travellers:
» Australian Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade ( )
» Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs & International Trade ( )
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