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ricultural base by improving irrigation and introducing new fruits and crops, many of
which are still widely grown today. Even in language the Muslims left strong traces
and Spanish still contains many words of Arabic origin.
The Spanish Inquisition
An ecclesiastical tribunal set up by Fernando and Isabel in 1478, the Spanish Inquisition
in Al-Andalus focused first on conversos (Jews converted to Christianity), accusing many
of continuing to practise Judaism in secret. In April 1492, Isabel and Fernando expelled all
Jews who refused Christian baptism. Up to 100,000 converted, but some 200,000 (the
first Sephardic Jews) fled into exile. The Inquisitors also carried out forced mass baptisms
of Muslims, burnt Islamic books and banned the Arabic language. In 1500, Muslims were
ordered to convert to Christianity or leave. Those who converted (moriscos) were later ex-
pelled between 1609 and 1614.
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