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Yusuf Yacub al-Mansur between 1184 and 1198. Its proportions, decoration and col-
our make it perhaps Spain's most perfect Islamic building. The topmost parts (from
the bell level up) were added in the 16th century. At the very top is El Giraldillo , a
16th-century bronze weathervane, which represents faith and is a symbol of Seville.
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(adult/child €7.50/free; 9.30am-7pm Apr-Sep) Residence of many generations of
kings and caliphs, the Alcázar is Seville's answer to Granada's Alhambra.
The Lion Patio was the garrison yard of the Al-Muwarak palace. Off here, the Sala
de la Justicia (Hall of Justice), with beautiful Mudéjar plasterwork, was built in the
1340s by Alfonso XI, who disported here with his mistress Leonor de Guzmán.
He might have been 'the Cruel', but between 1360 and 1364 Pedro I humbly built
his exquisite palace in 'perishable' ceramics, plaster and wood, obedient to the Qur-
an's prohibition against 'eternal' structures, reserved for the Creator.
At the heart of the palace is the wonderful Patio de las Doncellas (Patio of the
Maidens), surrounded by beautiful arches and exquisite plasterwork and tiling.
The Cámara Regia (King's Quarters) on the northern side of the patio has two
rooms with stunning ceilings. Just west is the small Patio de las Muñecas (Patio of
the Dolls), the heart of the palace's private quarters, with delicate Granada-style
decoration; indeed, plasterwork was actually brought here from the Alhambra in the
19th century.
The spectacular Salón de Embajadores (Hall of Ambassadors), off the western
end of the Patio de las Doncellas, was Pedro I's throne room and incorporates
caliphal-style door arches from the earlier Al-Muwarak palace. On its western side,
the beautiful Arco de Pavones , with peacock motifs, leads into the Salón del
Techo de Felipe II .
Reached by a staircase from the Patio de las Doncellas, these are the rooms of Alf-
onso X's 13th-century Gothic palace, much remodelled since his time. The Sala de
las Bóvedas (Hall of the Vault) is adorned with beautiful 1570s tiling, while the
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