Travel Reference
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Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias
The aesthetically stunning City of Arts & Sciences occupies a massive 350,000-sq-
metre swath of the old Turia riverbed.
Oceanogràfic Offline map Google map will probably be the highlight of the com-
plex, especially if you have young children. The aquariums of this watery world have suffi-
cient water sloshing around to fill 15 Olympic-sized swimming pools. There are also polar
zones, a dolphinarium, a Red Sea aquarium, a Mediterranean seascape and a couple of
underwater tunnels, one 70m long, where the fish have the chance to gawp at visitors.
Hemisfèric Offline map Google map , the unblinking heavy-lidded eye of the
Hemisfèric, is at once planetarium, IMAX cinema and laser show. Optional English com-
mentary is available.
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