Environmental Engineering Reference
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Figure 9.4 Drawing showing a Kaplan turbine with a generator (left) and a photo of a Kaplan turbine
(right). Source: Voith Hydro.
placed in a bulb-shaped workroom behind the turbine, which explains why it is also
referred to as a bulb turbine.
Figure 9.5 Bulb turbine with
generator. Source: Voith Hydro.
The Francis turbine, which was developed by the Briton James Bicheno Francis in
1848, is used for larger heads of up to 700 m. This turbine also uses the pressure
difference of water and reaches effi ciencies of over 90%. In principle, the Francis
turbine can also be used as a pump and is therefore suitable as a pump turbine for
pumped - storage plants (Figure 9.6 ).
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