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Successful international cooperation in science,
conservation and preservation within this
system provides a possible model that could be
implemented elsewhere for similar resources
that transcend sovereign jurisdictions (Grant
has sought to build a National Wetland Inven-
tory to systematize research and aid the man-
agement of these resources (India Report 2008).
Mangroves or subtropical and tropical coastal
wetlands have witnessed particularly signii cant
declines over the past century. These unique
wetland habitats have been shown to provide
integral ecological functions, including forming
the basis of complex marine food chains. Today,
these habitats are disappearing at an accelerat-
ing rate across South and Southeast Asia, making
way for shrimp aquaculture and other industrial
farming practices. For instance, Thailand has
lost almost half of its mangrove forests since
1960 to such activities (Earth Island Institute
Governments are now recognizing the costs
associated with this rapid destruction and in
certain cases have taken protective measures.
The Indian and Bangladeshi governments have
made attempts to carefully manage shared man-
grove forests covering an area of approximately
10,000 km 2 along the Ganges delta. The Sunder-
ban Biosphere Reserve and the mangrove eco-
park in Jharkhali are both recent efforts to
protect this ecosystem (Chattopadhyay 2010).
Yet, the rise in population within the region has
placed signii cant development pressures on
these resources and it remains to be seen if
these efforts will sustain themselves or be effec-
tive in the long run.
14.4 National wetland policy in the
developing world
Wetland management issues across the develop-
ing world are marked by their own distinct
set of challenges. Population and development
pressures and the lack of institutional protection
often exacerbate problems associated with the
overuse of wetland resources. Conversion to
agricultural land, increased demand for fresh
water, coastal aquaculture, inland pisciculture,
timber harvesting, and increased l ows of agri-
cultural and industrial efl uents include just
some factors responsible for the destruction of
coastal and inland wetlands across the globe
(Whigham, Dykyjova and Hejny 1993). The lack
of awareness of wetland ecosystem benei ts and
the tendency in some geographic contexts to
classify them as wastelands confound conserva-
tion efforts.
Moreover, wetlands management often falls
under the jurisdiction of various government
ministries and in the absence of national wetland
laws and protections, ministerial priorities
and development pressures override wetland
interests. For instance, in India, while primary
wetland management falls under the jurisdiction
of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, the
departments of Agriculture, Fisheries, Revenue,
and Water Resources, among others also exer-
cise some jurisdictional control (Prasad et al.
2002). As an example, coastal mangroves
may fall under the control of the Forest Depart-
ment, while inland wetlands might be the
responsibility of the Revenue or Agriculture
departments. Furthermore, management is com-
plicated by competing priorities faced by the
same department. For instance, should the
Revenue Department focus on irrigation infra-
structure development or wetlands protection?
The Indian Ministry of Environment and Forests
14.5 Shared wetlands
The task of wetland habitat protection is com-
plicated further when two or more countries
share these ecosystems. Naturally, political rela-
tions between nations pose signii cant chal-
lenges. Major examples of ecosystems ranging
over wide geographic extents include the Pan-
tanal shared by Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay,
the Okavango shared by Botswana, Namibia,
Angola and Zimbabwe, and the Sundarbans,
which span across Bangladesh and India. In
each of these cases, national policies alone
cannot offer adequate protection. Joint agree-
ments to share the benei ts and protect these
ecosystems often require the role of mediators
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