Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 14-5. Overview of Luck Lake from the eastern end looking toward the southwest. Extensive mudl ats and
shallow water are attractive for shorebirds and waterfowl. Kite aerial photograph by S.W. Aber and J.S. Aber.
Figure 14-6. Luck Lake looking from the southern side toward the northwest. A levee divides the lake in half.
Pipeline water supply comes into the fenced rectangle (lower left corner) and l ows into the western side of Luck
Lake. Kite aerial photograph by S.W. Aber and J.S. Aber.
i shing, agriculture, water protection, or indus-
trial development. European Union (EU)
countries also align national policies with EU
directives. In the case of wetlands, the EU Water,
Habitats, and Birds directives have been most
relevant. As many western European countries
have a federal system, states or counties often
play signii cant roles - not only in enforcing
existing federal laws, but also implementing
regional wetland conservation regulations.
Germany presents one such example. The
German National Federal Conservation Act pro-
vides the umbrella policy specii cally outlining
that wetlands, including fens, marshes, reed
beds, meadows and other wetland ecosystems,
are protected, and development activity leading
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