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Extending and customizing the
Administration Console
The Administration Console is a Java web application based on the WebLogic portal that
can be modified and extended. These console extensions can be used to customize the
Administration Console layout, style, logos, and images, and also to add extra pages, and
extra functionalities to monitor and manage WebLogic Server and deployed applications.
This recipe will focus on creating a simple console extension to change a few text elements
of the PROD_DOMAIN the Administration Console.
Getting ready
This task requires you to have ANT installed. It can be downloaded at . Download the latest stable build and install it.
The filename should be where XXX stands for
the ANT version.
All necessary work will be done in a Linux environment. You can
assume the use of the prod01 machine in this recipe.
How to do it...
Carry out the following steps to customize and extend the Administration Console:
1. Log in as a wls user to the first machine prod01 and unzip ANT:
[wls@prod01]$ cd /oracle
[wls@prod01]$ unzip
2. Create a symbolic link ant pointing to the apache-ant-XXX directory:
[wls@prod01]$ ln -s apache-ant-XXX ant
[wls@prod01]$ ls -l
lrwxrwxrwx 1 wlswls 16 Aug 9 10:37 ant -> apache-ant-XXX
drwxr-xr-x 6 wlswls 4096 May 22 06:24 apache-ant-XXX
3. Export the environment variables:
[wls@prod01]$ export JAVA_HOME=/oracle/jvm
[wls@prod01]$ export ANT_HOME=/oracle/ant
[wls@prod01]$ export MW_HOME=/oracle/Middleware
[wls@prod01]$ export WL_HOME=/oracle/Middleware/wlserver_12.1
[wls@prod01]$ export PATH=$ANT_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
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