Databases Reference
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Edit, save, and activate the changes through WLST:
1. Log in as a wls user to shell and start WLST:
[wls@prod01]$ $WL_HOME/common/bin/
Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
Type help() for help on available commands
2. Connect to the Administration Server using wlsadmin as the user, <pwd> as the
password, and t3://prod01.domain.local:7001 as the server URL:
Connecting to t3://prod01.domain.local:7001 with userid wlsadmin
Successfully connected to Admin Server 'PROD_AdminServer' that
belongs to domain 'PROD_DOMAIN'.
3. Start the editing, make the necessary changes, and activate it in the end:
Location changed to edit tree. This is a writable tree with
DomainMBean as the root. To make changes you will need to start
an edit session via startEdit().
For more help, use help(edit)
You already have an edit session in progress and hence WLST will
continue with your edit session.
wls:/PROD_DOMAIN/edit !>startEdit()
Starting an edit session ...
Started edit session, please be sure to save and activate your
changes once you are done.
wls:/PROD_DOMAIN/edit !>< make necessary changes >
wls:/PROD_DOMAIN/edit !> save()
Saving all your changes ...
Saved all your changes successfully.
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