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(RETURN if same as keystore password): <ENTER>
Generate a new CSR using PRODIdentity.jks :
1. Execute the keytool utility to generate the CSR.
[wls@prod01]$ keytool -certreq -v -alias prodcert -file PRODCert.
csr -keystore PRODIdentity.jks
2. Type the password when required:
Enter keystore password: <Type the password>
Certification request stored in file <PRODCert.csr>
Submit this to your CA
Sign the CSR and import it into the identity keystore:
1. Submit PRODCert.csr to the Certificate Authority of your choice to get the digital
certificate and its private key. For demonstration purposes, this recipe will use the
CertGen utility to create and sign the certificate from the CSR. CertGen uses the
WebLogic Demo CA ( CertGenCA.der ):
[wls@prod01]$ java utils.CertGen -keyfile PRODCertPrivateKey
-keyfilepass password -certfile PRODCert -cn "*.domain.local"
Generating a certificate with common name *.domain.local and key
strength 1024
/oracle/Middleware/wlserver_12.1/server/lib/CertGenCA.der file and
key from /oracle/Middleware/wlserver_12.1/server/lib/CertGenCAKey.
der file
2. Import the server certificate and private keys to the PRODIdentity.jks keystore:
[wls@prod01]$ java utils.ImportPrivateKey -keystore PRODIdentity.
jks -keyfile PRODCertPrivateKey.pem -keyfilepass password
-certfile PRODCert.pem -storepass password -alias prodcert
Create the custom trust keystore PRODTrust.jks on the prod01 machine:
1. Create the PRODTrust.jks keystore by making a copy from the Standard Java Trust.
[wls@prod01]$ cp /oracle/jvm/jre/lib/security/cacerts ./PRODTrust.
2. Change the default cacerts password. The default is changeit . Change it to
a new one:
[wls@prod01]$ keytool -storepasswd -keystore PRODTrust.jks
Enter keystore password: changeit
New keystore password: <Type the new password>
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