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11. Type myWebServiceWM in the Name text field and click on the Next button.
12. Select the All servers in the cluster radio button from the PROD_Cluster option
and click on the Finish button.
13. Click on the newly created myWebServiceWM work manager. Select the
myWebServiceMaxThreads option from the Maximum Threads Constraint
drop-down menu and the myWebServiceCapacityConstraint option from the
Capacity Constraint drop-down menu. Check the Ignore Stuck Threads checkbox
(as shown in the following screenshot) and click on the Save button.
14. Click on the Activate Changes button to finish.
Now associate the myWebServiceWM work manager to be used by the myWebService.war
application, by editing the file descriptor, WEB-INF/weblogic.xml :
1. Edit the file WEB-INF/weblogic.xml and add the tag <wl-dispatch-policy> :
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