Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
In this recipe, the timeouts will be configured for the PROD_DOMAIN , including the domain
JTA timeout and a hypothetic XA resource, such as the XA data source ds-XA, that points
to an Oracle Database. The recipe will use a timeout of 600 seconds as base.
Getting ready
The timeouts will be configured by using the Administration Console, so make sure the
Administration Server is running.
How to do it...
Carry out the following steps to configure the timeouts:
1. Access the Administration Console with your web browser at http://adminhost.
domain.local:7001/console .
2. Click on the Lock & Edit button to start a new edit session.
3. Click on the PROD_DOMAIN link on the left-hand side navigation menu, and then
click on the JTA tab to open the JTA page under Domain | Configuration.
4. Type 600 in the Timeout seconds text field (as shown in the following screenshot)
and click on the Save button.
5. Expand the Services tree to the left and then click on Data Sources.
6. Click on the ds-XA data source then the Transaction tab to navigate to Configuration
| Transaction.
7. Check the Set XA Transaction Timeout checkbox and enter 620 in the XA
Transaction Timeout text field, as shown in the following screenshot:
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