Databases Reference
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Add the start-up arguments to monitor the other WebLogic instances. Mission Control can
connect to any running JRockit JVM.
Monitoring Linux with SAR
A Linux host with Red Hat Enterprise Linux or Oracle Linux can be monitored using the SAR
command-line utility. The SAR is included in the SYSSTAT package bundle and is usually
included with these Linux distributions.
SAR retrieves activity counters of the operational system, such as CPU, memory, disk, and
network I/O usage. By default, it keeps a history of seven days, so it is a very useful tool to
retrieve past reports and quickly search for behavioral patterns.
This recipe will retrieve some statistics from the prod01 machine using the SAR
command-line utility.
Getting ready
SAR should already be installed in a Red Hat or Oracle Linux distribution. If it is not installed,
you can use the yum package management utility to install the SYSSTAT package, which
includes SAR.
As root user, execute the yum command and follow the onscreen instructions to install
[root@prod01]$ yum install sysstat
All SAR commands are executed from the Linux shell. Log in to the host
first. The root user is used only to install the SYSSTAT package.
How to do it...
To retrieve the queue length and load averages from the current day, as a wls user execute
the following command:
[wls@prod01]$ sar -q
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