Databases Reference
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Getting ready
Oracle JRockit must be downloaded and installed in the Windows desktop. Download
Oracle JRockit 6 for Microsoft Windows at
middleware/jrockit/downloads . The filename is jrockit-jdk1.6.0_XXX-windows-
iaYY.exe , where XXX stands for the JRockit release and JDK version and YY stands for
32 bits or 64 bits. Choose the version that matches your desktop and accept the license
agreement to download it.
How to do it...
Enable the PROD_Server01 Managed Server to accept JMX connections from
Mission Control:
1. Access the Administration Console with your web browser at http://adminhost.
domain.local:7001/console .
2. Click on the Lock & Edit button to start a new edit session.
3. Click on the plus sign to open the Environment tree on the left and then
click Servers.
4. Click on the PROD_Server01 link and then click the Server Start tab.
5. Add the following to the Arguments field and click on the Save button:
lse,interface=prodsrv01.domain.local,port=8081 -Djava.rmi.
6. Click on the Activate Changes button.
7. Restart PROD_Server01 .
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