Databases Reference
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7. Type BridgeTarget in the Name field, select the eis.jms.
WLSConnectionFactoryJNDINoTX from the Adapter JNDI Name field, and
type t3://remote01.domain.local:9001,remote02.domain.local:9002
in the Connection URL field. Type jms.remoteappcf on the Connection Factory
JNDI Name field and jms.remotequeue on the Destination JNDI Name field. Click
on the OK button.
8. Click on the Activate Changes button to finish.
Create the messaging bridges as follows:
1. Access the Administration Console with your web browser at http://adminhost.
domain.local:7001/console .
2. Click on the Lock & Edit button to start a new edit session.
3. Expand the Services tree on the left; click on Messaging and then
on Bridges.
4. Click on the New button to open the Create a New Bridge page.
5. Type Bridge_01 in the Name field, leave the Selector field blank and select the
Quality of Service field as the Atmost-once option. Enable the checkbox Started
and click on the Next button.
6. In the Select an Existing Source Destination drop-down menu, choose
BridgeSource_01 and click on the Next button.
7. Leave the Messaging Provider option in the default WebLogic Server 7.0 or
higher and click on Next.
8. Select the BridgeTarget option from the Select an Existing Target Destination
drop-down menu. Click on Next.
9. Again, leave the Messaging Provider option in the default WebLogic Server 7.0
or higher and click on Next.
10. On the target screen, enable only the PROD_Server01 checkbox and click on Next.
11. Click on the Finish button.
12. Repeat the previous steps to create the remaining bridges according to the
following table:
Source Destination
Target Destination
Bridge_01 BridgeSource_01
Bridge_02 BridgeSource_02
Bridge_03 BridgeSource_03
Bridge_04 BridgeSource_04
13. Click on the Activate Changes button to finish.
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