Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Getting ready
The Administrative Console is used to configure the messaging bridge, so make sure the
Administration Server is up and running.
The bridge destinations use the jms-xa-adp (XA) or jms-notran-adp (non-XA) resource
adapters to connect to the destinations. They are not deployed by default so you have to
deploy them. In this recipe, since the bridge is non-XA, the resource adapter jms-notran-
adp should be deployed. WebLogic can automatically deploy the resource adapter when you
create the bridge, but it's recommended you deploy it manually.
How to do it...
Create the directory to host the deployment plan to all machines, as follows:
1. Login as a wls user to the prod01 shell and create the directory.
[wls@prod01]$ cd $DOMAIN_HOME
[wls@prod01]$ mkdir plans
2. Repeat this step for prod02 .
Deploy the jms-notran-adp resource adapter, as follows:
1. Access the Administration Console with your web browser at http://adminhost.
domain.local:7001/console .
2. Click on the Lock & Edit button to start a new edit session.
3. Click on the Deployments link on the navigation tree to the left.
4. Click on the Install button.
5. Type /oracle/Middleware/wlserver_12.1/server/lib in the Path field and
click on Next.
6. Select the jms-notran-adp.rar resource adapter and click on the Next button.
7. Select the Install this deployment as an application radio button and click on Next.
8. Select the All servers in the cluster radio button from the PROD_Cluster target and
click on the Next button.
9. Select the I will make the deployment accessible from the following location radio
button; leave the other options in their default values and click on Next.
10. Click on the Finish button to open the Deployment's Configuration screen.
11. Click on the Configuration and then the Outbound Connection Pools tabs.
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