Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
The requirement is valid but using a queue pinned to a single Managed Server brings a single
point of failure to a production environment. If the Managed Server hosting the pinned queue
crashes, the queue will be unavailable.
To handle this situation, WebLogic has a feature called Service Migration where the pinned
queue can be moved from one Managed Server to another automatically when needed,
bringing high availability to a pinned service.
In this recipe, we are assuming that the application JMSApp requires a JMSAppPinnedQueue
queue to be configured as a pinned queue. WebLogic will be configured to handle the Service
migration for it.
Getting ready
A new persistent store and a new JMS server targeting a migratable target will be created.
The persistent store will be created as a file store. A JDBC store can also be used.
The directory hosting the file stores must be shared with all machines of
the PROD_Cluster cluster. Use a shared storage solution (NAS, SAS,
and SAN).
The shared storage /shared/filestores directory will be used as a reference
in this recipe.
How to do it...
Follow the ensuing steps to configure the service migration:
Access the Administration Console with your web browser at
http://adminhost.domain.local:7001/console .
1. Click on the Lock & Edit button to start a new edit session.
2. Expand the Environment tree on the left and then click on the Clusters link.
3. Click on the PROD_Cluster link and then on the Migration tab. Select the
Consensus option from the Migration Basis drop-down menu. Click on the
Save button.
4. Click on the Migratable Targets link from the navigation tree on the left.
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