Environmental Engineering Reference
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like apes or penguins that walk upright? Are they large,
like elephants or blue whales? Are they beautiful, like
tigers and monarch butterflies? Are any of them plants?
Are any of them species such as bats, sharks, snakes, or
spiders that many people fear? Are any of them microor-
ganisms that help keep you alive? Reflect on what your
choice of favorite species tells you about your attitudes
toward most wildlife.
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8. Environmental groups in a heavily forested state want
to restrict logging in some areas to save the habitat of an
endangered squirrel. Timber company officials argue that
the well-being of one type of squirrel is not as important
as the well-being of the many families who would be af-
fected if the restriction causes the company to lay off
hundreds of workers. If you had the power to decide this
issue, what would you do and why? Can you come up
with a compromise?
9. Congratulations! You are in charge of preventing
the premature extinction of the world's existing spe-
cies from human activities. What would be the three
major components of your program to accomplish this
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card in the front of your topic.
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