Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Mobile Phones
Mobile-phone numbers start with 6 or 7. Numbers starting with 900 are national toll-free
numbers, while those starting with numbers between 901 and 905 come with varying condi-
tions. A common one is 902, which is a national standard-rate number. In a similar category
are numbers starting with 803, 806 and 807.
Spain uses GSM 900/1800, compatible with the rest of Europe and Australia but not with
the North American GSM 1900 or the system used in Japan. If your phone is tri- or
quadriband, you will probably be fine. You can buy SIM cards and prepaid call time in
Spain for your own national mobile phone (provided what you own is a GSM, dual- or tri-
band cellular phone and not code-blocked). You will need your passport to open any kind of
mobile-phone account, prepaid or otherwise.
Spain is one hour ahead of GMT/UTC during winter, and two hours ahead during daylight
saving (the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October). Most other Western
European countries are on the same time as Spain year-round. The UK, Ireland and Portugal
are one hour behind. Spaniards use the 24-hour clock for official business (timetables etc)
but generally switch to the 12-hour version in daily conversation.
Tourist Information
Several tourist offices operate in Barcelona. A couple of general information telephone num-
bers worth bearing in mind are 010 and 012. The first is for Barcelona and the other is for all
Catalonia (run by the Generalitat). You sometimes strike English speakers, although for the
most part operators are Catalan/Spanish bilingual. In addition to tourist offices, information
booths operate at Estació del Nord bus station and at Portal de la Pau, at the foot of the
Mirador de Colom at the port end of La Rambla. Others set up at various points in the city
centre in summer.
Plaça de Catalunya ( GOOGLE MAP ; 93 285 38 34; ; under-
ground at Plaça de Catalunya 17-S; 9.30am-9.30pm; Catalunya)
Plaça Sant Jaume ( GOOGLE MAP ; 93 285 38 32; Carrer de la Ciutat 2;
8.30am-8.30pm Mon-Fri, 9am-7pm Sat, 9am-2pm Sun & holidays; Jaume I)
Estació Sants ( GOOGLE MAP ; Estació Sants; 8am-8pm; Estació Sants)
El Prat Airport (El Prat Airport, Terminal 1 arrivals, Terminal 2B arrivals hall;
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