Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Public Holidays
New Year's Day (Any Nou/Año Nuevo) 1 January
Epiphany/Three Kings' Day (Epifanía or El Dia dels Reis/Día de los Reyes Magos) 6
Good Friday (Divendres Sant/Viernes Santo) March/April
Easter Monday (Dilluns de Pasqua Florida) March/April
Labour Day (Dia del Treball/Fiesta del Trabajo) 1 May
Day after Pentecost Sunday (Dilluns de Pasqua Granda) May/June
Feast of St John the Baptist (Dia de Sant Joan/Día de San Juan Bautista) 24 June
Feast of the Assumption (L'Assumpció/La Asunción) 15 August
Catalonia's National Day (Diada Nacional de Catalunya) 11 September
Festes de la Mercè 24 September
Spanish National Day (Festa de la Hispanitat/Día de la Hispanidad) 12 October
All Saints Day (Dia de Tots Sants/Día de Todos los Santos) 1 November
Constitution Day (Día de la Constitución) 6 December
Feast of the Immaculate Conception (La Immaculada Concepció/La Inmaculada Concep-
ción) 8 December
Christmas (Nadal/Navidad) 25 December
Boxing Day/St Stephen's Day (El Dia de Sant Esteve) 26 December
Safe Travel
It cannot be stressed enough that newcomers to Barcelona must be on their guard. Petty
theft is a problem in the city centre, on public transport and around main sights. Report thefts
to the tourist police office on La Rambla. You are unlikely to recover your goods but you will
need to make this formal denuncia (police report) for insurance purposes. To avoid endless
queues at the comisaría (police station), you can make the report by phone (902 102112) in
various languages. The following day you go to the station of your choice to pick up and sign
the report (for a list of comisarías , go to the website under 'Denuncias').
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