Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
During the reign of Juan I, Barcelona hosted its first bullfight, according to the city's
historical archive. It isn't until the 19th century, however, that bullfighting gains wide-
spread popularity.
Isabel, heir to the Castilian throne, marries Aragonese heir Fernando, uniting two of
Spain's most powerful monarchies and effectively subjugating Catalonia to the Castili-
an state.
Isabel and Fernando, the Reyes Católicos (Catholic Monarchs), stir up religious
bigotry and establish the Spanish Inquisition that will see thousands killed until 1834
when it's finally abolished.
Catalan peasants, angered at having to quarter Castilian troops during the Thirty
Years War, declare their independence under French protection. Spain eventually
crushes the rebellion.
Barcelona loses all autonomy after surrendering to the Bourbon king, Felipe V, on 11
September at the end of the War of the Spanish Succession.
A freak hurricane strikes Barcelona, causing considerable damage. Among other
things the winds destroy more than 200 of the city's 1500 gaslight street lamps.
In the Battle of Bruc, Catalan militiamen defeat occupying Napoleonic units, yet Bar-
celona, Figueres and the coast remain under French control until Napoleon's retreat in
Ildefons Cerdà designs the L'Eixample (the Enlargement) district with wide boulevards
and a grid pattern. Modernista architects of the day showcase their creations here.
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