Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Month by Month
Festes de Santa Eulàlia , February
Festival Pedralbes , June
Festival del Grec , July
Festa Major de Gràcia , August
Festes de la Mercè , September
Barcelonins head to the Pyrenees for action on the ski slopes, while others
simply enjoy a bit of post-holiday downtime (school holidays go to 8 January).
On 5 January, the day before Epifanía (Epiphany), children delight in the Cavalcada dels Reis
Mags (Parade of the Three Kings), a colourful parade of floats and music, during which
countless sweets are launched from the floats into the crowds.
Festes dels Tres Tombs
In addition to live music and gegants (papier mâché giants worn over the shoulders of pro-
cessionists), the festival dedicated to Sant Antoni features a parade of horse-drawn carts in
the neighbourhood of Sant Antoni (near the Mercat de Sant Antoni) every 17 January.
Often the coldest (and seemingly longest) month in Barcelona, February sees
few visitors. Nonetheless, some of the first big festivals kick off, with abundant
Catalan merriment amid the wintry gloom.
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