Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Venice had its Arsenal and Barcelona the Reials Drassanes (Royal
Shipyards), from where Don Juan of Austria's flagship galley was launched to
lead a joint Spanish-Venetian fleet into the momentous Battle of Lepanto
against the Turks in 1571.
These mighty Gothic shipyards are not as extensive as their Venetian counterparts but
they're an extraordinary piece of civilian architecture nonetheless. Today the broad arches
shelter the Museu Marítim, the city's seafaring-history museum and one of the most fascin-
ating museums in town.
Royal Shipyards
The shipyards were, in their heyday, among the greatest in Europe. Begun in the 13th cen-
tury and completed by 1378, the long, arched bays (the highest arches reach 13m) once
sloped off as slipways directly into the water, which lapped the seaward side of the Drass-
anes until at least the end of the 18th century. Shipbuilding was later moved to southern
Spain, and the Drassanes became a barracks for artillery.
Replica of Don Juan of Austria's Flagship
The centre of the shipyards is dominated by a full-sized replica (made in the 1970s) of Don
Juan of Austria's flagship. A clever audiovisual display aboard the vessel brings to life the
ghastly existence of the slaves, prisoners and volunteers (!) who, at full steam, could haul
this vessel along at 9 knots. They remained chained to their seats, four to an oar, at all times.
Here they worked, drank (fresh water was stored below decks, where the infirmary was also
located), ate, slept and went to the loo. You could smell a galley like this from miles away.
Fishing vessels, old navigation charts, models and dioramas of the Barcelona waterfront
make up the rest of this engaging museum. Temporary exhibitions are also held (an in-
triguing show on the history of explorations in Antarctica was held here in 2014). The mu-
seum, which has seen major renovations in the past five years, will reopen in its entirety by
early 2015. When it reopens, visitors will encounter a greatly expanded collection with mul-
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