Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The permanent collection is housed in Palau Aguilar, Palau del Baró de Castellet
and Palau Meca, all dating to the 14th century. The 18th-century Casa Mauri,
built over medieval remains (even some Roman leftovers have been identified),
and the adjacent 14th-century Palau Finestres accommodate temporary exhibi-
TThough o
ugh osttensibly a
ibly aiimed a
d at r
t reside
identts, th
, the a
e annual p
ual pass is als
s is also a
o available t
ilable to v
o viisiitorrs
on p
n prresenttattiion o
n of ID
f ID. Th
. The '
e 'Carrnet del Mus
t del Museu P
u Piicasso' c
' cuuts o
s out th
ut the n
e need t
d to que
o queuue
((and que
d queuues h
s herre c
e can b
n be lo
e long, if y
, if you h
u haven''t b
t boooked o
d onlin
nline ah
e ahead o
d of t
f tiime), a
), and
costts a m
s a merre €12, o
e €12, or €15 f
r €15 for a f
r a family p
ily pass. In o
. In otther w
r worrdds, it
, it''s ch
s cheaper th
r than a da
n a day
pass a
s and c
d can b
n be us
e used m
d mult
ultiple t
iple tiimes w
s with
ithin a y
in a year o
r of p
f puurcchase..
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