Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
You may visit La Catedral in one of two ways. In the morning or afternoon, gener-
al admission is free, although you have to pay to visit any combination of the
choir stalls, chapter house and roof. If you want to visit all three areas, it's better
value to go during the so-called 'special visit' between 1pm and 5pm.
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La Rambla La Catedral
( MAP GOOGLE MAP ; Carrer dels Comtes; 10am-7pm; Jaume I)
This converted 16th-century palace has a peaceful courtyard worth wandering through.
Have a look upwards from the main staircase to admire the extraordinary timber arteson-
ado, a sculpted ceiling made to seem like the upturned hull of a boat. Temporary exhibi-
tions, usually related in some way to the archives, are often held here.
Next to the Plaça del Rei, the palau (palace) was built in the 1550s as the residence of the
Spanish lloctinent (viceroy) of Catalonia and later converted into a convent. From 1853 it
housed the Arxiu de la Corona d'Aragón, a unique archive with documents detailing the his-
tory of the Crown of Aragón and Catalonia, starting in the 12th century and reaching to the
(Casa de la Pia Almoina; MAP GOOGLE MAP ; 93 315 22 13; ; Avinguda de la Cated-
ral 4; adult/child €6/3; 10am-2pm & 5-8pm Tue-Sat, 11am-2pm Sun; Jaume I)
Next to the cathedral, the Diocesan Museum has a handful of exhibits on Gaudí (including a
fascinating documentary on his life and philosophy) on the upper floors. There's also a
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