Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
After we created the final list in Table 6 we presented them to Siemens' developers
in order to obtain their feedback. The concerns that are not highlighted represent
concepts that were considered relevant by Siemens' developers but that they were
already aware of their existence. These concerns were already addressed by their
current architecture and developers already had an understanding about them from
their previous knowledge about the system and the existing requirements.
Table 7. Details on some early aspects 5
Concern Name: Legal Issues
communicate with enforcement equipment via DSRC interface according
to the standards
Limitations in using standard
This concern is likely to be implemented as an aspect as it may undergo
frequent change (due to change in standards and legislations). It is also
possible that it may require customisation (e.g., per various hardware).
Concern Name: Connect/Disconnect
The average connection time of the communication between the OBU and
the background system shall be less that 16 seconds….
… amount of data transmitted during one connection
… CSD connection establishment ….
… data transmitted during one connection is 6 kByte …
The dialer tries to re-connect to GSM network in the hope …
… execute GPRS disconnection
After receiving the response from ETBO the OBU application SW can
disconnect the GPRS connection
…establish and disconnect GPRS connection: API simulation...
These concerns are likely to be implemented via aspects as otherwise they
will be called from a number of locations as well as may have a number of
variations (due to the variations in the types of OBU hardware making the
calls). For instance, connect will be required at initialization, for periodic
data transmission, possibly, as part of Error Handling. The disconnect will
be required upon successful completion of the transmission, in case of
reaching the max number of allowed connections.
5 The highlighted words in table 7 are the ones that are identified by EA-Miner and the
requirements in which they occur are grouped in the Concerns in Table 7.
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