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matchPointcutMap and match , two more, rather straightforward operations were
implemented. The first operation decides, given two path nodes, whether the
two path nodes match according to the criteria mentioned in Sect. 4.1. It is used
by matchPointcutMap . The second operation finds, given two sets of path nodes,
all permutations that match elements in one set against elements in the other.
It is used by match . Note that (a) each element in one set has to be matched
against exactly one element in the other set and vice versa, and that (b) the
second operation makes use of the first to match individual elements.
Operation: matchPointcutMap
Input: UCMPointcutMap pointcutMap, UCMmodel baseUCM
Output: MappingsList
Exception: NoMatchFound (if match is unsuccessful)
begin // matchPointcutMap
MappingsList resultMappingsList = Ø
PathNode initPointcutNode = pointcutMap.getInitialPathNode()
foreach PathNode pn in baseUCM
if initPointcutNode matches pn then
MappingsList firstMapping = Ø
add new Mapping(initPointcutNode, pn) to firstMapping
// Match next path nodes of initPointcutNode against next path nodes of
// pn and return matchList (which contains firstMapping plus
// new mappings found by match()).
MappingsList matchList = match(initPointcutNode, pn, firstMapping)
add matchList to resultMappingsList
catch NoMatchFound
// Do nothing and continue for loop (this gives initPointcutNode a
// chance to be matched against other path nodes in the UCM model).
endforeach // PathNode
if resultMappingsList == Ø then
throw new NoMatchFound() // No mapping found at all.
return resultMappingsList
end // matchPointcutMap
Operation: match
Input : PathNode pointcutNode, PathNode baseNode, MappingsList currentMappings
Output : MappingsList
Exception : NoMatchFound (if match is unsuccessful)
begin // match
if pointcutNode does not have any next path nodes then
return currentMappings // Stops recursion.
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