Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Makoshika State Park is stark in its beauty.
The park is well-suited for exploration in a number of different ways. There are 4 miles
of paved roads and 12 miles of unpaved roads (which can be impassable at certain times
of year). Three developed trails offer good hiking opportunities: the Diane Gabriel Trail,
the Cap Rock Nature Trail, and the Kinney Coulee Hiking Trail. Trail guide pamphlets
and free advice are available at the interpretive center. There are also a number of picnic
benches, shelters, and an 18-basket Disc Golf Course. Although there are pines and juni-
pers throughout the park, there is little shade in this compelling play of light and color, so
bring water and a hat. The park ties the record for hottest place in Montana at 117°F.
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