Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Ask any Moroccan about the status of the Western Sahara and they will insist it belongs to
their country, yet the UN is clear that this is still under dispute. Local maps may show this
region as a seamless continuation of the hammada around Tarfaya, but many outside Mo-
rocco disagree.
This area largely comprises the former colonies of Spanish Sahara and part of the Tar-
faya Strip. Crossing the vast tracts of desert here, one does marvel at the dispute. The
towns are merely administrative centres, and the terrain stretching away from the N1 is fea-
tureless, arid, inhospitable and uninviting. Despite this distinct lack of postcard prettiness,
this environment has phosphate, oil and fishing potential - significant factors in the dis-
It's one of the world's most sparsely populated territories, and despite the 1991 ceasefire
in the war between Morocco and the separatist Polisario Front, the Moroccan military
sometimes seems to outnumber the civilians. If you want to appreciate the Sahara and see
oases and dunes, the likes of Merzouga, Figuig and Tata are better choices: more scenic,
safer and reached via less gruelling journeys from central Morocco. For travellers who
need to cross the Western Sahara to reach Mauritania, bear in mind that this is a disputed
area and read our safety guidelines.
Due to the volatile situation in the Western Sahara while this topic was being researched,
the information on LaĆ¢youne and Dakhla has been updated remotely via phone and inter-
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