Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Women Travellers
» Prior to marriage, many Moroccan men have little opportunity to meet and get to know women, which is a
major reason why Western women receive so much attention.
» Not bound by Moroccan society and Islamic law, foreign women are seen as excitingly independent and
generally available.
» Increased tourism to Morocco has also brought female visitors who are unprepared - or simply unaware
that cultural mores in Muslim countries are different from the West.
» Around 70% of Morocco's population is under the age of 30, and by the end of their trip most Western
women may think they've met every male in this group.
» The constant attention is impossible to shake off, no matter what tactic is employed, and soon becomes
» If it's your first time in Morocco, the first few days may be something of a shock, but you'll quickly de-
velop a thick skin to deal with the unwanted looks and comments.
» The key to not spending your trip feeling hassled is to be wary but not paranoid - the low-level harass-
ment rarely goes any further.
» Moroccans are eager to help any traveller and there are times when being a woman is a distinct advantage,
especially when lost or in some form of distress. Moroccans tend to be genuinely concerned for the 'weaker
sex' and will offer protection and support if you feel you're in a potentially bad situation.
» Another benefit is that unlike male travellers, you'll have opportunities to meet local women.
Attitudes & Relationships
» The common attitude that a Westerner is a walking visa out of a country where unemployment is rife can
affect women travellers.
» This perception is partly fuelled by Western women having holiday romances with local guys.
» Bored young men may have little to lose by wooing someone who can offer them an opportunity in anoth-
er country, or a sexual liaison unavailable from Moroccan women.
» Some locals could be juggling several relationships at once.
» More positively, there are many success stories about relationships of mixed nationality.
» Dress modestly. Despite some tourists' attire, hot pants and cleavage in the Marrakesh medina are never
appropriate. It's best to cover your shoulders and knees, and avoid low-cut tops altogether.
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