Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
idea to bring along your passport, however, in case you decide to
take a day-trip to the nearby British Virgin Islands.
Getting Around: There is plentiful taxi service in St. John, es-
pecially from Cruz Bay. Typically, visitors at the hotels and
north shore campgrounds don't rent cars but rely on taxi service
and shuttles. However, villa guests and visitors to Estate Con-
cordia on the south shore often rent cars because of the dis-
tance. Most rentals on the island are small jeeps. Note to young
lovers: you must be at least 25 years old to rent a vehicle.
Language: English
Currency: US dollar
Electricity: 110 volts
Information: For questions on the US Virgin Islands, call
800-372-USVI. Website:
St. Thomas
S t. Thomas is one island that vacationers seem to either love
or hate. Those strong feelings emanate from the island's omni-
present bustling atmosphere. With cruise ships that discharge
hundreds of frenzied shoppers on its streets every day, this is-
land is not the place for peace and quiet. It is, however, the spot
to go if the two of you enjoy shopping, fine dining, or lavish re-
sorts. St. Thomas' Charlotte Amalie (pronounced a-mal-yah)
has a busy cosmopolitan atmosphere where the laid-back West
Indian ambiance is juxtaposed with traffic jams, congestion,
and a hectic pace.
But beyond Charlotte Amalie's boundaries, the island enjoys a
slower pace. Here, on overlooks high above the city's lights, cou-
ples can share some of the Caribbean's most glorious sunsets.
On the island's fringe of powdered sugar beaches, the two of you
can catch up on your limin' - just lazing the days away beneath
towering palms.
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