Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
It seems that Italian food remains universally in demand, so if
it's pasta that you're craving, head up to the second level of
Mongoose Junction for linguine al pesto e broccoli or linguine
con fruitti di mare .
Romantic Activities
The biggest attraction of St. John is the national park. Start
with a visit to the Virgin Islands National Park Visitors
340-776-6201, located on the waterfront in Cruz
Bay. Here you'll find information on hiking, camping, snorkel-
ing, and guided programs.
After you have your bearings, head out to the park by taxi or
rental jeep. Hike on one of the many marked trails, snorkel the
guided underwater trail at Trunk Bay, stroll along the self-
guided Cinnamon Bay Nature Trail, or visit ruins of
Annaberg Sugar Plantation.
St. John is among the few places in the Caribbean that offers
snuba, a unique blend of scuba and snorkeling that allows
would-be divers to descend to 20 feet below the surface. Snuba
St. John,
340-693-8063, hooks guests up to a floating air
tank, so ā€œCā€ cards are not required.
As you might expect on an island that emphasizes camping and
enjoying nature, nightlife can be a little quiet on St. John. One
popular exception is Fred's,
340-776-6363, a hip-hopping
joint in Cruz Bay that's a favorite with locals and visitors alike.
Located just across from the Lemon Tree Mall, this nightspot
charges cover on Wednesday and Friday, but has music nightly,
usually until midnight.
Just the Facts
Entry Requirements: You'll need proof of identity upon air-
port check-in, but incoming travelers do not need to pass
through immigration when they reach St. Thomas. It's a good
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