Java Reference
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Select the default EJB settings; select EJB Version as EJB 3.0 , and select the Using
annotations feature. Click on Next . Specify a Project Name for the model project,
the default being Model . Select EJB in the Project Technologies . Click on Next .
Select the default Java settings for the model project, which include the package
name, Java Source Path , and the Output Directory . Click on Next . Select the default
EJB settings; set EJB Version as 3.0 and select the Using annotations feature. Click
on Finish . An EJB 3 application, which includes a view controller project and a
model project, gets created. We shall be creating an EJB 3.0 entity bean in the Model
project. We shall also create an EJB 3.0 session bean and servlet in the Model project.
In the ViewController project, we shall create a JSP for the Ajax user interface.
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