Environmental Engineering Reference
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To determine the γ sl ( D ) function, we consider a compressible spherical particle, or a cube
with cube side taken as D , immersed in the corresponding bulk liquid. According to Laplace-
Young equation [66], we have
P = 2 fA /(3 V ) = 4 f / D
where A is the surface area of the particle, P is the difference in pressure inside and outside of
the particle and f is interface stress. Using the definition of compressibility κ = -Δ V /( VP ), ε =
Δ D / D = Δ A /(2 A ) = Δ V /(3 V ) under small strain and A / V = 6/ D where Δ denotes the difference,
ε = -4κ f /(3 D ).
In terms of a scalar definition of f , there exists [5,75-76]
ƒ = ∂ G /∂ A = ∂(γ sl A )/∂ A = γ sl + A ∂γ sl /∂ A ≈ γ sl + A Δγ sl A
where G = γ sl A states the total excess Gibbs surface free energy, or Δγ sl = (Δ A / A )( f- γ sl ).
To find mathematical solutions of f and γ sl or γ sl ( D ), two boundary conditions of γ sl ( D ) are
needed. An understandable asymptotic limit is that as D → ∞, γ sl ( D ) → γ sl0 . As D → ∞, let
Δγ sl = γ sl ( D )-γ sl0 .
Substituting Eq. (2.18) into Eq. (2.17) and taking in mind that V / A = D /6 and Δ A / A = 2ε =
-8κ f /(3 D ) in terms of Eq. (2.16), it reads [77],
γ sl ( D )/γ sl0 = [1-8κ f 2 /(3γ sl0 D )]/[1-8κ f /(3 D )].
Eq. (2.19) is consistent with general calculations of thermodynamics [15,78-79] and
quantum chemistry [80] for particles.
To determine f , we assume that when almost all atoms of a low-dimensional crystal
immersed in fluid is located on its surface with a diameter of D 0 , the crystal is
indistinguishable from the surrounding fluid where the solid-liquid interface is at all diffuse.
Note that the crystal is now similar to a cluster produced by an energetic fluctuation of the
fluid. This assumption leads to a limit case: As D D 0 , γ sl ( D ) → 0 where D 0 depends on
the existence of curvature [81]. Note that when a crystal has plane surface, such as a film, the
possible smallest value of D is 2 h . For any crystals with curved surfaces, such as a particle or
a wire, the possible smallest D is 3 h [77]. According to the above definition of D 0 , hA / V = 1-
V i / V = 1-[( D 0 -2 h )/ D 0 ] 3- d = 1 where V i is the interior volume of the crystal. The solution of the
above equation is D 0 = 2 h . For the particle and the wire usually having a curved surface, the
value of D cannot be smaller than 3 h . In this case, there is no exact solution of the equation.
As a first order approximation, D 0 = 3 h is taken. Note that this approximation does not lead
to big error. For instance, for a spherical particle, hA / V = 26/27 ≈ 1. In summary,
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