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Fig. 12. SLA violations. Vertical lines
highlight the first view to 10 videos
with the worst content provision using
Fig. 13. Bitrate for viewers of the 10
most popular videos under heavy load.
half of viewers experienced a very low bitrate, ranging between 230 Kbps and
2575 Kbps. The mean bitrate with caching was 43 Mbps. On average, Wis-
eReplica improved this bitrate by roughly 85 % under heavy load. Actually it
performs almost as well as the Oracle-like assumption, that improved bitrate
provision by 93 %. These finds suggest that WiseReplica largely outperforms
caching, fairly meeting consumers' expectations under heavy load conditions.
7 Related Work
Our related work is two-fold: Internet videos and adaptive replication schemes.
Internet videos: Recent studies [ 14 , 33 ] have drawn attention to reach a better
understanding of Internet videos properties, such as popularity growth. They
point out that well-known popularity characteristics are applicable to multime-
dia content. For instance, Internet videos popularity distribution follows power
law, and popularity bursts have a short duration and are quite likely to hap-
pen just after the content publication. Dobrian et al. [ 13 ] shed some light on
the performance of Internet videos provision on CDNs. They show that average
bitrate plays an important role in videos availability. A hybrid solution between
CDNs and P2P is presented by Mansy et al. [ 23 ]. Their purpose is to model and
analyze a live video system and one of their main concerns is to adapt bitrate for
guarantee user satisfaction. Adhikari et al. [ 1 ] work described the YouTube video
delivery system through measurements of DNS resolutions and video playback
traces. One of their findings is that over a globally distributed network (Planet-
Lab) most part of the nodes have a nearby Youtube video cache server to delivery
the video data. Moreover, Brodersen et al. [ 6 ] presented a detailed study over the
strong connection between popularity and geographic locality of Youtube videos.
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