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was examined in terms of its runtime with respect to the number of computing
nodes used. In general a close to linear scalability was expected, as the main part
of the workload, the base classifier induction was parallelised. However, the data
communication to the cluster nodes at the beginning and the combining proce-
dures were not parallelised, hence an upper limit of beneficial computing nodes
was expected. Section 5 further supported the theoretical analysis with empirical
results. In these results Parallel Random Prism's linear scalability with respect
to the number of training instances and features was confirmed. These results
also showed that Parallel Random Prism exhibits an almost ideal speed-up for
up to 10 cluster nodes with a slightly increasing deterioration the more clus-
ter nodes are utilised. The results suggested that there is an upper limit (due
to the non-parallel parts of Parallel Random Prism). However, the results also
suggested that the cluster is far away from its maximum number of beneficial
cluster nodes.
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