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patterns, to gravitational wave observation, using
computational Grids to process one-dimensional
signals using standard digital signal-processing
techniques. The goal of the DART project is to
leverage this technology such that the same kind
of DSP processing can be achieved with audio
rate signals for the purposes of signal analysis,
feature extraction, synthesis, and music informa-
tion retrieval.
Given its modularity, its support for high qual-
ity audio, and its ability to distribute processes
across a Grid of computers, Triana has the potential
to be an extremely useful piece of software that
allows users to implement custom audio process-
ing algorithms from their constituent elements,
no matter their computational complexity.
MultipleChannel is a base class for represent-
ing multiple channelled data. Each channel can
have its own particular format, specified within
an object that implements the ChannelFormat
interface. Furthermore, each channel can contain
complex data so that, for example, multiple chan-
nels of complex spectra could be stored.
MultipleAudio stores many channels of sampled
data. Each channel can have its own particular
audio format of the data for example, the encoding,
such as MU_LAW, PCM and number of bits used
to record the data. This is essential for performing
sound transformations and writing audio data. In
essence, MultipleAudio provides the support for
high quality audio to be utilized in Triana.
The Triana audio toolkit consists of several
categorized hierarchical folders, each with an
assortment of units based on the MultipleAudio
Triana data type. This type utilizes the JavaSound
API classes in order to allow the use of high fidel-
ity audio. The Audio toolkit tree is split into three
main folders: Input, Output, and Processing.
triana data types
Triana units are programmed in a logical and
robust manor and only ever need to be written
and compiled once. When the unit is written, the
programmer specifies the data type that the unit
can receive and output. When connecting two units
together, the input and output types of both units
are checked in order to confirm the compatibility
of the units. This means programmers can create
units that can be guaranteed to work sensibly with
other units because the run-time type checking
guarantees their compatibility. Furthermore,
since the data types that are passed between the
units contain the parameters associated with the
particular data, each unit knows how to deal with
the data object whatever it contains. It is therefore
impossible to crash a Triana network due to array
size mismatches.
Triana's data type classes are fundamental to
Triana's flexibility and power. Data Types are con-
tainers for the data being processed by the units.
The two main types in Triana that are relevant to
the processing of digital audio in Triana are:
Input tools
The audio input section houses one of the most
important tools for Audio in Triana—the Load-
Sound unit. This unit allows the user to select an
audio file (WAV, Aiff, Au) and outputs the data to
the next unit. The user can select if the audio file
is to be output in its entirety, or if the data should
be streamed on to the next unit by chunking the
data into fixed-length segments.
output tools
The output tools section contains a varied col-
lection of tools to allow the user to hear—and
see—the audio data loaded, allowing for thorough
analysis of the sounds. The Play unit is one of the
most often used in this toolbox, and allows the
user to play the audio (both streamed, or as one
large file). Triana gives the user a useful selection
of other output tools, such as the WaveViewer unit
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