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similar learning tasks. The similarity measure of
learning tasks is based on relevance weights on a
common set of base features only. This avoids the
need to calculate or transfer large amounts of data
so that an efficient feature transfer is guaranteed
with minimal communication overhead. Thus, we
cannot only find accurate features by searching
them locally but also very fast by querying other
nodes or reusing the results of former runs.
We have exemplified this scenario on Nemoz,
which is a distributed media organization
framework that focuses on the application of
data mining in p2p networks. It supports users
in structuring their private media collections by
exploiting information from other peers in the
described way. It contains traditional functions
as file sharing as well as intelligent functionality,
for example classifying and clustering music files
or advanced visualization. The Nemoz framework
allows for the incorporatation of a large variety
of different data mining algorithms and coopera-
tion protocols.
The amount of media available is ever increas-
ing. Organizing personal music collection by ma-
chine learning is a key to manage this information
overload. We think that collaborative computation
will play a central role in this process.
Baumann, S., Pohle, T., & Shankar, V. (2004).
Towards a socio-cultural compatibility of MIR
systems. In Proceedings of the International
Conference on Music Information Retrieval .
Berenzweig, A., Logan, B., Ellis, D. P. W., &
Whitman, B. (2003). A large-scale evaluation of
acoustic and subjective music similarity measures.
In Proceedings of the International Conference
on Music Information Retrieval .
Bray, S. & Tzanetakis, G. (2005). Distributed
audio feature extraction for music. In Proceed-
ings of the International Conference on Music
Information Retrieval .
Celma, O., Ramirez, M., & Herrera, P. (2005).
Foafing the music: A music recommendation
system based on RSS feeds and user preferences.
In Proceedings of the International Conference
on Music Information Retrieval .
Ciaccia, P., Patella, M., & Zezula, P. (1997). M-tree:
An efficient access method for similarity search
in metric spaces. In Proceedings of International
Conference on Very Large Data Bases (pp. 426-
435). Morgan Kaufmann.
Cooley, J. W., & Tukey, J. W. (1965). An algorithm
for the machine computation of the complex
Fourier series. Mathematics of Computation ,
19 , 297-301.
Fischer, S., Klinkenberg, R., Mierswa, I., &
Ritthoff, O. (2002). Yale: Yet another learning
environment— Tutorial (Tech. Rep. CI-136/02).
Collaborative Research Center 531, University
of Dortmund.
Aksoy, M., Burgard, D., Flasch, O., Kaspari, A.,
Lüttgens, M., Martens, M., Möller, B., Öztürk,
U., & Thome, P. (2005). Kollaboratives Struk-
turieren von Multimediadaten für Peer-to-Peer
Netze. Technical report, Fachbereich Informatik,
Universität Dortmund. Endbericht der Projekt-
gruppe 461.
Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R., & Friedman, J. (2001).
The elements of statistical learning: Data mining,
inference, and prediction . New York: Springer.
Aucouturier, J.-J., & Pachet, F. (2002). Music
similarity measures: What's the use? In Proceed-
ings of the International Symposium on Music
Information Retrieval .
Holland, J. H. (1986). Escaping brittleness: The
possibilities of general-purpose learning algo-
rithms applied to parallel rule-based systems. In
R. S. Michalski, J. G. Carbonell, & T. M. Mitchell
(Eds.), Machine learning: An artificial intelligence
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