Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
PV 183.80%
PV 177.78%
Wind 103.09%
Biomass 101.93%
Biomass 100.06%
Wind 96.57%
Biodiesel 73.07%
Solar Thermal 71.01%
Biodiesel 72.78%
Solar Thermal 49.23%
Bioethanol 10,80%
Bioethanol 5,39%
Fig. 4.1  Comparison between the current trend of RES and National Renewable Energy Action
Plans (  NREAP ). (Source: our elaboration from EurObserv'ER 2013 )
incentives that are likely to create an unsustainable use of biomass. The European
industry of biomass was only slightly affected by the recession. The main driver
of growth is the production of electricity, regardless of whether it happens or not
in cogeneration. The majority of EU member states, driven from their commit-
ments taken in the NREAP for RES, have created the context for the development
of electricity production from biomass by applying incentive mechanisms for the
production of electricity from RES and requiring operators to reduce their emis-
sions of greenhouse gases (GHGs). This strong political will arrives at a favorable
moment, when coal plants are aging and they require significant investment to
make the modernization or construction of new power plants. Data on electricity
production show that the EU is in line with the objectives of the NREAP; Accord-
ing to the NREAP roadmap, electricity production from biomass in 2020 should
amount to 154.9 TWh and with the current trend it is estimated to get to produce
155 TWh.
In conclusion, the analysis carried out so far detects that some RES have sus-
tained growth rates to the point that the installed amount will be greater than expect-
ed from the overall NREAPs (photovoltaic, wind, and biomass), while other RES
can be found at just bottom of the rod outlined by NREAPs. Comparisons between
the current trend of all RES analyzed in this chapter and NREAP of the EU both in
2015 and in 2020 are shown in Fig. 4.1 .
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