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projections to 2020 refer to biofuels (489 ktoe) and RES electricity (14 ktoe). With
reference to the heating and cooling sector, Romania had not yet a framework for
heating and cooling sector.
Slovakia The Slovak NREAP expects to reach the RES target of 14 % by 24 % in
electricity consumption, 14.6 % in heat consumption, and 10 % in transport con-
sumption. The electricity sector is characterized by a continuous change in legis-
lation that adversely affects the sector; it is crucial to increase the confidence of
investors. Projections for RES electricity in 2020 take into account the development
of hydro, biomass, and wind power. The heating and cooling sector lacks concrete
measures to promote the use of energy from RES. Total RES percentage in heat
consumption should be reached by implementing biomass (11.2 %), geothermal
(1.6 %), biogas (1.1 %), solar thermal (0.5 %) and RES from heat pumps (0.2 %).
Since 2007, Slovakia has introduced a scheme for the reduction of excise tax on
biofuels; the 10 % RES in transport consumption will be achieved by biodiesel
(110 ktoe), bioethanol (75 ktoe), and RES electricity (17 ktoe).
Slovenia The Slovenian NREAP divides the 25 % goal of energy from RES in
39.3 % renewable electricity, 30.8 % in heating and cooling, and 10.5 % RES in
transport. The electricity sector is driven in large part from hydro and the other RES
are present for small units. The target for 2020 relative to the heating and cooling
sector should be easily accessible because Slovenia is rich in wood and other bio-
mass; projections for RES heating and cooling in 2020 consist of biomass (25.9 %),
RES from heat pumps (2.9 %), solar thermal (1 %), and geothermal (1 %). The situ-
ation is different and more complicated for the transport sector because it starts in
2008 by the presence of only 1.22 % of biofuels; there is a need to introduce policies
to reduce traffic on the road and the rail system needs to be modernized. By the way,
projections for RES in transport go by biodiesel (173.7 %), bioethanol (18.5 %), and
RES electricity (10.5 %).
Spain The Spanish NREAP splits the 20 % RES goal in 40.2 % renewable electric-
ity, 18.9 % in heating and cooling, and 13.6 % RES in transport. The electricity
sector has been affected by a series of cuts that have created difficulties for the
development of RES in Spain and have given the image of a lack of stability in the
long term. The mix of RES in electricity sector is quite varied, although wind and
hydro are the masters. With regard to the heating and cooling sector, the 18.9 %
goal should be reached through the use of biomass (16.2 %), solar thermal (2.2 %),
biogas (0.3 %), and RES from heat pumps (0.2 %). The transport sector's projec-
tions to 2020 provide the use of biodiesel (2900 ktoe), bioethanol (400 ktoe), RES
electricity (380.9 ktoe), and others (4 ktoe).
Sweden The Swedish NREAP expects to reach the RES target of 49 % by 62.9 %
in electricity consumption, 62.2 % in heat consumption, and 13.8 % in transport
consumption. Sweden has already a high share of RES in its energy portfolio in
2009, so the overall target is very high. The projections for electricity sector with
reference to RES are based on hydro, biomass, and wind. The conditions of RES
in heating and cooling sectors are good; bioenergy is the largest source of energy
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