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(3.8 %) and biogas (2.4 %). The most important challenge of the NREAP Maltese
regards the transport sector, so that the contribution of biofuels makes strides year
after year. RES in transport sector to 2020 rests on biodiesel (7.03 ktoe), bioethanol
(5.79 ktoe), and RES electricity (0.7 ktoe).
The Netherlands The Dutch NREAP expects to reach the target of 14 % of energy
from RES by 37 % in electricity consumption, 8.7 % in heating and cooling sector,
and 10.3 % in transport consumption. The electricity sector needs greater stability
and certainty in the long run to reach the target set for 2020 and go further. The
projections for RES electricity in 202 are driven by wind and biomass. The heat-
ing and cooling sector was not a priority in Dutch NREAP but it is expected to
receive more attention from the Dutch public authorities. Total RES percentage in
heat consumption will be reached by implementing biogas (3.5 %), biomass (2.6 %),
RES electricity (1.5 %), geothermal (1 %), and solar thermal (0.1 %). Policy in the
transport sector is the most rigorous: since 2007, it is mandatory to mix the fuel for
road with biofuels; in 2010, the percentage was 5.75 %. RES projections in transport
consumption concern biodiesel (552 ktoe), bioethanol (282 ktoe), and RES electric-
ity (71 ktoe).
Poland The Polish NREAP expects to reach the RES target of 15 % by 19.1 %
in electricity consumption, 17.1 % in heat consumption, and 11.7 % in transport
consumption. The RES industry scenario in electricity sector mainly consists of
wind and biomass. With regard to the heating and cooling sector, the RES portfolio
to achieve the objective is composed of biomass (13.4 %), solar thermal (1.5 %),
biogas (1.3 %), geothermal (0.5 %), and RES electricity (0.4 %). The biofuels in
the transport sector are driven by policies of exemptions and fee reductions; RES
projections in transport sector rest on biodiesel (1451 ktoe), bioethanol (451 ktoe),
RES electricity (50 ktoe), and others (66 ktoe).
Portugal The Portuguese NREAP splits the target of 31 % energy from RES in
55.2 % RES electricity, 30.6 % RES heating and cooling, and 10 % in the transport
sector. Portugal has a great potential in terms of RES, but the industry is not fully
exploited and therefore there is need to review the criteria and administrative proce-
dures of the country in relation to the RES. As described in the Portuguese NREAP,
the goal in the electricity sector should be achieved by employing for the most part
wind and hydro. The heating and cooling sector is affected by a revision of the
rules for construction of buildings in favor of RES; surprisingly, Portugal expects
a decrease in the contribution of biomass due to the introduction of more efficient
burners. The 30.6 % RES goal in heat consumption consists of biomass (27.9 %),
solar thermal (2 %), biogas (0.4 %), and geothermal (0.3 %).
Romania The Romanian NREAP has shared the 24 % overall target of energy from
RES among 42.1 % in electricity consumption, 22 % in heat consumption, and 10 %
in transport consumption. The electricity sector's projections are driven mainly by
hydro and wind power. RES in the transport sector are promoted by the Romanian
government according to which, since 2010, all types of gasoline and diesel fuel sold
in the market must have a minimum percentage of biofuels that amounts to 5.75 %;
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