Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Move, Rotate, and Scale
Move, Rotate, and Scale are the basic tools
of point pushers around the world.
Let's say we were doing one of those
monochromatic still life drawing assign-
ments from Drawing 101. We've got a
bunch of primitives laid down and now
we've got to get them into their proper
places. (See Figure 3-54.)
Hot Key Block
Move, Rotate, and Scale
<t> Move (Translate) tool
<y> Rotate tool
<H> Size (evenly on all axes at once) tool
<h> Stretch (each axis independently) tool
<v> Set Value
First, let's set the ground plane to Y=0
by following these steps:
rest of the points in the ground
plane polygon.
Select one of the ground plane's
points. Then choose Select Con-
nected (press < ] >) to select the
Choose Detail | Points | Set
Value to bring up the Set Value
Figure 3-54
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