Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Worley Laboratories
Worley Labs is the company that
contributed the Lite version of
their Sasquatch Hair/Fur Shader
to LightWave 7+. They also have
two collections of very useful
plug-ins bundled under the
names Taft and Polk (yes, just
like two former U.S. presidents).
The really cool thing they've just
come out with is the FPrime pro-
gressive rendering system.
FPrime provides you with
“real-time F9” rendering, allow-
ing you to see changes to
surfaces, lights, cameras, objects,
etc., in real time. Without a doubt, FPrime
is the most impressive product to hit the
LightWave market in some time. There is
simply not enough room to describe
Figure B-12: Worley Labs web site.
everything that the plug-in does, but
Worley's web site contains all of the details
and nearly a dozen sample videos and I
highly recommend you check it out.
Colin Cohen: Freelance Programmer
In the world of LightWave developers,
there are an elite few who consistently pro-
duce high-caliber, extremely useful
plug-ins. Colin Cohen is one of them. Colin
is most widely known for his free plug-ins,
but his generosity is not what makes him
such a valuable asset to the community.
Rather, Colin, who lives in the Los Angeles
area, is one of the few programmers who
make their exceptional skills available to
the public. His work as both an animator
and a programmer (with over a decade of
software development experience) gives
him a unique insight into the needs that can
arise during production. Keep Colin's infor-
mation handy. There are a number of
extremely talented programmers in the
LightWave community, but very few of
them are available for hire.
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