Graphics Programs Reference
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Back under the Geometry tab,
set the Blending Mode for both
nulls to Additive . Then, under
Blending Group, you'll need to
create a new group. Name this
group Mix , and set it as the
Blending Group for both nulls.
Figure 18-18: An <F9> shows two different colored spheres
that slightly intersect.
Figure 18-19
An <F9> shows that the two
spheres now “blob” into one
another! (Wherever the dashed
lines representing the influences of
the HyperVoxel surfaces, seen in
Figure 18-16, come in contact with
another whose Blending Mode is
also set to Additive and which is
also a part of the same blending
group, the “surfaces” begin to
“reach toward” one another —
behaving like a viscous liquid.)
Figure 18-20
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